Autistic Pride Aberdeen

Autism Understanding Scotland

⬢ Branding
⬢ Design
⬢ Print

Autistic Pride Aberdeen is an annual event organised by registered charity Autism Understanding Scotland (AUScot), celebrating the autistic community and what it means to be autistic. In June 2022, Autistic Pride Aberdeen took the form of ‘Bubbles in the Park’, a half-day event at Hazlehead Park, Aberdeen. Autistic people and allies were invited to blow bubbles, champion autistic culture and reframe the narrative around autism.

In organising this event, AUScot decided they needed points of information to frame and explain the event’s purpose to stakeholders and passers-by on the day. Informational hand-outs, signage and branded merchandise would be key to the event’s success. Additionally, all branded assets had to be inclusive, welcoming and speak to the autistic community.

Having worked previously to create the AUScot visual brand and website, TMD was well placed to undertake this assignment. We created pop-up banners featuring Pride variations of the charity’s eye-catching infinity loop symbol, as well as flyers on the theme of ‘The Awesomeness of Autism’. Furthermore, we commissioned the design of a special bubble-blowing dragon, to be printed on all Autistic Pride assets. This dragon was so well-received that a new dragon is currently being designed and workshopped by TMD, in conjunction with AUScot stakeholders, to become the AUScot mascot and represent the charity as a whole.


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